2021 / Some Of My Favourites


These end of year posts seem to be harder to write every year. A year in which at the very beginning I wasn't allowed to do my job. No weddings permitted. Nada. In January I had no clue in how the year would shape up. Fast forward to early summer, when I heard my first beat of live music in quite some time, I got shivers. Actual shivers of excitement. I was back in a world where people could dance and sing and celebrate a wedding day like it was 2019 all over again. It was moments like that, which I had several throughout the wedding season, which were a welcome reminder of why I love this job.

The last couple years have been... interesting, I think that's the polite way of putting it. If you're a wedding photographer reading this I tip my cap to you. You made it through. If you're one of the wonderful people that took me on your wedding journey, thank you. Most of the people featured here have re-arranged dates or at the very least had to worry if their wedding day could go ahead. It was palpable, the feeling that gatherings like this were missed. The hugs were that little bit tighter, the singing that little bit louder.

The Return of Weddings

The reason I like to piece together these posts is to help evaluate. When you're in the mix of weddings all focus is making the best images possible, leaving little room to pause and look back. This is my year in 100 or so images. From 30 person weddings, to secret proposals to big party celebrations. I feel like I've driven every A and B road of Devon and Cornwall, poured sand out of my shoes every other weekend and finished the day with a smile on my face.

There were times of sadness, getting an email for what may have been the fifth date move and I could no longer attend. Times of weirdness when the list of preparations included charge batteries, format SD cards and stick a swab up my nose every other day. Ultimately I made it to every wedding this year, and it was a blast. Going from staying at home to returning to weddings as they once were. Every small or big wedding was a delight to photograph.

I've combed through the catalog of images from 2021, and like every year picked images for no other reason than they make me smile, which I hope they do for you...

If you've scrolled all the way to here, thank you. I hope you enjoyed this collection of work from 2021. As a wedding photographer Devon it was a crazy year for everyone, I'm very thankful to still be doing this job and surrounded by joy on a work day. If you're looking for a wedding photographer, please do get in touch.

[BTS] No.8 Buying a 46 Year Old Film Camera

[BTS] No.7 We Are Scientists

[BTS] No.6 Wild Camping